· By Michael Barker


WhatsApp Image 2017-05-12 at 1.17.56 PM

“Stars eternal, shrouded in its wake. Witness, the Dark One – Harbinger of fate.”

– Excerpt from the Account of the Eclipse

More than 400 gamers participated in our first playtest for Harbinger, our new dark science fantasy setting and supplemental ruleset for use with the fifth edition basic rules. We collected tons of feedback and now we’re preparing to unveil Harbinger v0.2: coming June 2!

If you’re already signed up for our playtest, then you’re good to go! But if you haven’t yet signed up, you can do so here to get v0.2 as soon as it is available.


Revealing the Harbinger Cover Art

First things first, we’re excited to reveal the phenomenal cover art for our Harbinger playtest, illustrated masterfully by Hankerin Ferinale of Drunkens & Dragons and Runehammer Games.

Harbinger Cover Title

This gorgeous cover features a treader, a mancer, and a mechanist facing off against the eldritch horrors birthed from the Harbinger, wielding metal and magic in tandem to survive in this grim science fantasy universe. The Harbinger itself looms in the distance – promising riches and danger in equal measure.

Discover the Setting of Harbinger

Secondly: many of you have asked for MORE when it comes to Harbinger’s unique sci-fi/fantasy setting. We saw it again and again in the playtest feedback – calls for more history, locations, notable factions, a desire to learn more about the balance of tech and magic. So, we’ve compiled what we think are the most important aspects of the setting of Harbinger, and we’re excited to present to you: The Harbinger Setting Guide.




This guide will also be included in v0.2 of the Harbinger playtest. And speaking of v0.2…

A Sneak Peek of Harbinger v0.2

Harbinger v0.2 will build upon the foundation of v0.1, with additions and improvements informed by the invaluable feedback we received from our awesome playtesters. In v0.2, you can look forward to:

  • Three new specializations for our core classes (the siphon, the slipdagger, and the stalker).
  • More than a dozen weapon mods to enhance and customize firearms and melee weapons.
  • Major changes and improvements for our three core classes to balance and finesse each class and specialization.
  • Expanded setting information, exploring the history of Bastion and its moons, as well as the notable septs controlling them.
  • More unique gear, Harbinger-specific survival rules, and much more!

As a special sneak peek at Harbinger v0.2, we’d like to share with you a couple of the weapon attachments you’ll soon be customizing your gear with. Weapon mods allow you to create your own fully unique weapon in the Harbinger setting, and they range from simple bayonets and stocks, to magical scopes and flamethrowers.

barrowbladesecondary barrel

This is just the beginning. To our v0.1 playtesters – thank you for embarking on this journey with us! And to our future playtesters – we can’t wait to share with you our unique vision for this dark science fantasy setting.

Keep an eye out for Harbinger v0.2, coming June 2!